Let it grow

I’ve been thinking about a verse that my Bible study friends at work were discussing: James 1:3-4 “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (The NIV version uses the word “perseverance” instead of endurance.) I can identify with it, because I’ve had.. Read More

Goodbye to summer

Since tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox (a.k.a. the first day of fall), Rafa and I celebrated the end of summer. We drove with the sunroof open and our shades on. And I was happy. Not happy because summer is officially over, but so happy because I know we will have this moment again in the spring when the temperatures finally rise into the fifties and the air feels warm again… Read More

So stinkin’ cute

I got to spend the day with my beautiful niece today. As her mmm-ma (grandma) would say, “She is SO STINKIN’ CUTE.” Seriously. She just stole my heart over and over today. We played, read, danced and talked. She held my hand as she fell asleep for her nap. She cried and made the “I love you” sign when I left. Auntie Rah-rah loves you too! Now it’s Iowa game watch.. Read More

Being an adult

When I was younger, there were two things I thought I defined a grown-up woman – the ability to carry a purse (without misplacing it) and the ability to wear heels all day (and not take them off after an hour to run around barefoot like we did at prom). I am happy to report that I can do both of these things with ease, but I must admit that.. Read More

Fall Food Files

I love the cooler weather that fall brings. I also love to pull out recipes for the delish food that I avoided cooking during the hot summer months. I made some of my favorite fall favorites this weekend. Taco soup is the perfect meal to eat while watching the Hawks dominate and mandarin orange cake is the perfect sweet finish for the meal. These are two of my favorites –.. Read More

Our church family

I know I’ve talked about it before, but I have to talk about it again – we have the best family. Our blood relations are great, but we get the privilege of sharing life with an amazing group of people from The Rock. Today, we spent some time with some of the cutest kids ever. Rafa and Z practiced their Lego building and sword fighting, then Row did her Chippettes.. Read More

I said yes

I have the best husband. I love the little traditions we have: He always gives me a kiss when he meets me after work. He always walks on the street side of the sidewalk in order to protect me. He always opens and shuts my car door for me. He always says yes when I ask him to rub my back or play with my hair. He always tells me.. Read More

Technology-free weekend

We are at the end of a wonderful long weekend. I should have taken a million photos, but I didn’t. I didn’t take any. I had a self-imposed technology-free weekend. Occasional technology-free weekends should be mandatory for everyone, especially if you have a data phone. I usually use my phone to take photos, but since I wasn’t looking at my phone, I didn’t take any photos. We experienced The Fair.. Read More