I just looked at the wedding day countdown…we’re under 90 days! It’s hard to believe we will be married in less than three months. I want it to hurry up and get here, but I’m sure I can fill my time getting some wedding stuff ready 🙂
We haven’t spent much time on wedding stuff lately. We’ve been busy with marriage stuff. We’ve been working on our FTBT homework and meeting with our mentor couple. Last night, we had dinner at their house…before any of us knew it, it was almost 10:30 and time to get home. We are so fortunate to have mentors that are such dear friends.
I’ve also been trying to make sure I’m feeling at my best for the wedding, so I’ve been getting back into the workout routines. My friend Adrienne is always there for encouragment or guilt, depending. I’ve got to make sure my triceps are ready for that dress!