I’m a little late on posting our verse from last week. Giana really liked talking about faith and hope, but her favorite is love too! https://youtu.be/xCWp-a8Wn20
Dolly Birthday Party
Giana told me that today is the birthday of Princesa Peach. I told her that we should have a party! Now, I don’t do this nearly often enough. My girls are creative and Lord knows this is not one of my strengths. So many times, we already have a lot going on, or I am too busy with work, or the thought of cleaning up a mess from a doll’s.. Read More
Psalm 31:24
Here’s this week’s verse! One thing about making sure that my kids know the word of God is that I am also getting lots of practice 🙂 This one was something we all needed to write on our hearts this week. https://youtu.be/E7afDSosX8E