I was a bad mom today.

I was a bad mom today. I was worn out and touched-out. I wanted to lose myself in Facebook or be able to complete a tasking while using both of my hands. I just wanted 10 minutes without a new demand to meet. I tried to hide in the bathroom and bribe my children to Just. Be. Quiet. Please. Please. I looked back on my performance as a mom at the.. Read More

Pony Pool Party

I loved hearing my husband explain his interpretation of Ephesians 6:4 to a friend this past weekend. (Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.) Rafa started a “pony pool party” for the girls on the deck. This is when the girls gather up all of their small My Little Pony figurines and dunk them in cups and buckets of.. Read More