Our breastfeeding stories

Tonight, I’m reflecting on my nearly 30 months of feeding my babies. Here’s our breastfeeding stories… Before I was even pregnant with Giana, I knew I wanted to exclusively breastfeed. The lactation consultant in the hospital helped me with my latch and I asked for extra visits with her before I left. I also talked about it with my sister, who breastfeed my niece for a year and a half and.. Read More

Weight Loss Series #4 – No Magic Pill

Anytime you hear a crazy weight loss claim, please ask yourself – if there was a magic pill, wouldn’t Oprah take it? Oprah, the women who has all the money in the world can’t buy herself weight loss. Why do you think you can? Why would you spend your hard earned money on a pill, shake, supplement, gadget, etc. when you have everything you need to lose weight?! I want.. Read More

Weight Loss Series #3 – Time to Move

So, even though I said yesterday that you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, it really is absolutely important to exercise. I think it’s really important to find something that fits into your schedule and is easily incorporated into your life. Since I have a treadmill, don’t have a gym membership, and do have lots of trails outside my front door, running makes a great exercise for me. But…how do I.. Read More

Weight Loss Series #2 – Those 300 Calories

Another principle that has become very clear to me on my weight loss journey is that I can’t out-exercise a bad diet. This became especially clear to me when I started tracking my food. As I entered everything that went into my mouth on fatsecret.com, I saw the calories add up from every little thing. I also entered my exercise. I noticed a funny thing – the snacks and extra treats.. Read More

Weight Loss Series #1 – The Daniel Plan

I have lost 65 pounds over the past year. That’s all the baby weight, plus some – That’s not record breaking, I know, but it is enough to have me feeling great. It’s also enough for other people to notice. I’m not a weight loss expert, but I did have a few ideas for a couple of blog posts that address the most common questions people ask me. What did.. Read More