
Since it’s Mother’s Day, and the girls are still too small to understand what that means, papa takes over the burden of giving me a special day. And he did today! Starting the morning with a peach mimosa and veggie omelette was fantastic. He also had gifts and homemade card.
My love languages include acts of service, so he spent the whole rest of the day loving me in the best way possible. Mulch! Make that 52 bags of mulch, which also meant 3 trips to and from the store, all those bags carried to the various places in our yard, and poured out and spread! I helped a little, but I was a little limited with a baby strapped to my back. Thanks papa 🙂 I am so thankful that we started a family together, and you helped make me a mother.

Edited to add – Thank you for installing a new garbage disposal when we realized ours was broken. You did it with a smile on your face, even though I know you wanted to rest after carrying all that mulch. You are the best!