She is conquering! Giana started rolling over and over and over in bed. She makes loops around until she is face down and her head is where her feet started. We had to unswaddle her because she would fling herself over even when she was tightly wrapped up. The bad thing was that she couldn’t get back on her back. Or get her face out of the bars of the.. Read More
She’s a joy
Giana Marie is an absolute joy. She is, without a doubt, the most precious baby ever. Look at this smile! Giana loves playing with her toys and discovering everything around her. Everything possible goes into her mouth! I love the weekends because then Rafa gets to see her sweetness in the mornings too. She wakes up with gentle coos and giggles. She ooos and ahhs at the sights we introduce.. Read More
Five months old!
The days and weeks are flying by. It feels like summer and Giana is already five months old! Let me sum everything up – she is the nicest, smartest, cutest and bestest baby ever. It’s true! Every day, Rafa and I are just more and more amazed by her. What Giana likes: Napping on schedule Being the center of attention Carrying on a conversation with us Trying out big girl.. Read More
She’s growing up
We had an awesome day today, hanging out as a family. It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, we had to carefully plan trips out of the house to coincide with her naps (i.e., we tried to plan trips that she would sleep through). We live in a very different world these days! We left for lunch, at lunch time. Giana snoozed a bit while we were.. Read More