Our sweet little girl is four weeks old today. People always told me how fast the time would go, and I believed them…but seriously, I really can’t believe how fast the time has flown.

I have so much I need to write about her birth and first weeks, but another list will have to suffice for now. Giana is sleeping on my chest and it is hard to type one handed!

What Giana loves:

  • Looking intently at Hawk
  • Sitting in her baby Papasian chair set to vibrate
  • Riding in the car and falling asleep in her carseat
  • Sleeping on her dad’s chest

  • Getting dried off after a bath
  • Staring at ceiling fans
What Giana Hates

  • Her swing
  • Sleeping between the hours of 11pm and 2 am
  • Being swaddled with her arms in
  • The sound of plastic bags (but she doesn’t seem to mind Hawk’s barking)
  • When the person holding her sits down
  • Wearing shoes