Hello! I’m sorry I have been MIA lately. I haven’t been feeling too well, but more on that another day.
We had house church last night, like we do every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Last night was a little different; instead of our usual location, we opened the doors of our house to about 35 Rockers. At the home where we usually meet, a very sweet woman is on bed rest. She is only in her 24th week of pregnancy – much too early for the contractions to start. Rafael and I agreed to host the South House through the end of the year so that she can get the rest she needs.
We spent much of Sunday preparing for our church family to arrive. We cleaned and moved furniture. We brought in chairs, sound equipment, paper plates and quiet toys. We were efficient and quick. We got done in plenty of time for me to practice the worship songs with the guitarist and drummer.
The message was fitting to what Rafael and I had been doing throughout the day. Our speaker was the husband of the woman on bed rest. He talked about how hard it is for her to be still and not serving, but at this time, it’s her spiritual act of worship (like described in Hebrews 12:1). Her act is doing nothing, except for being still and growing God’s child within her.
When Rafael and I talked after the message, we both were thinking the same thing – getting ready for house church is our spiritual act of worship! This sounds strange, but it is almost fun cleaning toilets and mopping the floors when you know you are doing it for the Lord. Our worship started long before our brothers and sisters arrived and we started singing worship songs. It began when we chose to serve, joyfully, in the way God called us.
I like thinking about Hebrews 12:1 and spiritual acts of worship in this way. Just because it’s not a “traditional” way to worship, doesn’t make it any less valuable. What is your non-traditional spiritual act of worship?