C’mon now, don’t be mad.

I know I haven’t written in awhile, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about you. You’re a great blog and I always have you on my mind. I think about the things I would write in you if I had time. I know you feel neglected when a week passes and I don’t use you to share my musings with our small, but loyal, audience.

It’s just that when spring hits, I can’t force myself to sit in front of the computer long enough. It’s torture when I have precious few hours between the end of work and the beginning of dusk. I have to make the time last. I have to pack it with activities that make me feel alive like the blooming flowers all around me.

What’s that? You want out too? Well, the thing is, I haven’t been just sitting around when I’m out there. I’ve been running to the river along a parkway with flowering trees. I’ve been taking a core muscle exercise class on a rooftop. I’ve been walking with my honey, hand-in-hand. I’ve been picking lilacs and wrestling with the dog.

I hope you can understand. It’s not you, it’s me. And spring. It’s spring’s fault.