Our realtor e-mailed us today –

The seller signed and accepted your offer, and only your offer was sent to the bank for final approval. I expect to have that final approval this week ( I was hoping for it sooner but sometimes banks can be slow). We are 95% of the way there. We just need the final bank documents, then we can 100% say that the home is yours and start the closing process.


We are so excited!

*When* we move, I can move my “garden” with me. I use quotation marks because my “garden” consists of three pots on my back porch.

I have two tomato plants…

Look! It is actually flowering!!

I also have a tray-style of pot that has three plants – parsley, oregano and sage.

I’m sure whatever dish we make with these will be even better if it is prepared at our new house. I’ll keep you posted!