My father died when I was two years old, he left my mom with two custom graduation rings. One for my brother and the other one for me. My mom was instructed to give us the rings when we graduated from high school (back home is a big deal, since not many people makes it) I got mine back in the year 2000, the ring survived almost 12 year of.. Read More
Bible Roulette, Commuting Version
I get a little spoiled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rafa has to get up at 5 a.m. to take his mom to dialysis by 6-6:30. Then, since he is already in his car, he swings by my place to join me on the trek into work. We take the bus to the lightrail to downtown most days, but today, he wanted to drive since it was rainy and cold. The.. Read More